Group Therapy

In addition to one to one work, I facilitate group sessions combined with cold water therapy. Currently these sessions are based in Coatbridge, Glasgow. A combination of group therapy at the centre, and cold water dips in a local loch over a 6 week block.

Facilitated by 2 qualified and highly experienced therapists, each client is welcomed in to a safe therapeutic space. By introducing CBT tools, clients are taught to ‘be their own therapist’ with easy to use methods to help cope with stress, anxiety and depression.

Week 1: Understanding anxiety, stress & depression

Week 2: Learning the “5 factor model” and understanding ‘Unhelpful Thinking Styles’

Week 3: Cold water dip

Week 4: “Thought Record” and introduction to Core Belief work

Week 5: Mindfulness & breath work

Week 6: Final cold water dip

Alongside the therapy work, each week psycho-education surrounding cold water submersion is included, with the emphasis on the mental health benefits this activity provides. Each therapeutic session lasts 2 hours, this gives everyone the time to share (if they feel they would like to), learn new skills, and feel supported in a group setting.

By interspersing our group work with the dips in weeks 3 and 6, we are able to tackle any challenges or concerns that clients may have in regards to the cold.

Not only is cold water therapy proven to be beneficial for stress reduction, it also boosts the immune system, provides a ‘natural high’ with the release of endorphins, improves circulation and gives individuals the opportunity to meet like minded people in their pursuit of a new hobby.

Email me to enquire about upcoming group therapy blocks.